Thursday, December 31, 2009

sAyONaRa 2009

Hey there...I think I will use a different language to say goodbye each year..I used Italian last year, & this year it's Japanese..hehe..

As I looked back on the events in should I wrap it up? Hmm..indeed it was a GRRReat year, no doubt about it. Had a great everything..great family bonding times, chaos, happy, fun & memorable moments, everything at work's fine..kinda stressful handling work & the wedding to plan for at a point in time. But thank God, for having Dada by my side...I managed & survived it..without turning into a BRIDEZILLA..hehe

So cheers to 2009 & double cheers for an even greater 2010 year ahead!

Signing Mrs Sim...SINCE 281109...

All those who were there to celebrate our JOY
Declared Man & Wife on 28/11/2009
Cheers~~for WONDERFUL & GREAT days ahead of US

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

a BRiDe's StoRy

As we draw close to nearly 1 month after our BIG DAY...I feel like I still haven't shared MY SIDE of the story...many have uploaded pics of our BIG DAY in the almighty Facebook..but's not really from the Bride's side. And there's only 1 bride who can tell the story..yeah? So, after hours & hours of selecting the best pics & editing the story..I've finally completed my side of the story & would like to share it with everyone else...check it out...THE BRIDE'S WEDDING STORY...ENJOY!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

FuNNy tHinGs to ReMeMbeR

As we move towards the 3rd week after our wedding...I just wanna pen down some highlights & moments worth we human age...our memory gets worse. I want to remember every bits & pieces of our BIG DAY..till the day I here are some funny remarks/conversations held worth remembering:

Conversation 1 (probably funniest & one that I'll remember forever):

Cousin Aline: Siew Yee Chea Chea, for the tea ceremony tomorrow, we; the younger ones need to serve you tea, kan? Then what should we call you?

Cousin Sheryl & Iris: Ya ya...what should we call you?

Me: Wahaha...Siew Yee Chea Chea la..what else? You're my cousins no matter how young or old, married or not married bah...I'm forever your Siew Yee Chea Chea...or else? What do you wanna call me? Aunty Siew Yee Chea Chea??

Cousin Aline: Hahaha..Oh...ya kah? Then Ray Ko Ko? What should we call him? Ray Ko Ko also??

Me: Yalah...ishhh...u this ah...getting married doesn't change our relationship're forever my dear cousins...remember that!

Conversation 2:

Dada: Help me as your brother, whether he wants to be my HENG DAI for the day? I need his help...

Me: Ko, you wanna help him on the wedding day to be his heng dai?

Bro: NO WAY, I don't wanna be the one being played, I wanna PLAY HIM...I only have 1 sister..I'll give him a hard time so that he knows it's not easy to marry my sister...hahaha

Conversation 3 (held during the tea ceremony ~ the younger kids will have to serve us tea, then we'll give them each an angpau) :

Cousin Sheryl: Siew Yee Chea Chea, drink tea..(her own self-created English version for yum cha)

Me: Huh, what is that?? (in a 'kwai lou' slang to make it sound funny..hehe)

Everyone else in the living room erupted in laughter...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

SinGaPoRe ShOppinG

Hi there...hi to my non-existence readers...sorry for MIA-ing for so long...if you have really been nice enough to follow my blog, you should know the reason for my MIA. Yes, I have been kept busy to successfully be a PRETTY BRIDE on my BIG DAY, all 3 legs of my wedding reception dinners left memorable moments for me & Dada to cherish forever..thanks to all who became part of our special day. Really thanks to you all...Will probably post some highlights in the near future on our special day...gosh...just gimme some time to decide which are the REAL special moments...coz every moment is memorable to us...

OK, as my title here says, I should be talking about the short trip we had prior to getting back to work. NOPE, it wasn't HONEYMOON. It's as I said, a short trip, to neighbouring Singapore; with mummy darling & baobei. Did some Christmas shopping there. The environment was wonderful..especially the reknowned Orchard Road..Best place to be for Christmas shopping...or rather LV shopping..hehe..:)

Finally~~my 2009 X'mas present
Inside - another layer protecting it
Ta Da~~ 3 handbags for X'mas from S' eh?? Haha
Not forgetting..clothes too!! I just LOOOVE BLUE

Friday, November 20, 2009

DaDa iS tHe BEST!

Would like to blog about a conversation held yesterday, between me & a VIP guest of Dada's whom we met.

VIP Guest: Wow, so Ray, this is your wife? She's very beautiful...(saja wanna emphasize here that he said this...haha)
Me: No, not his wife yet, just FUTURE wife, will only officially turn his wife next week.
VIP Guest: He's a great guy, u know..U'll have a happy & 'xing fu' future with him...Congrats to you both on your wedding...:)

Wow, so from then on, Dada keeps reminding me of this conversation..Haha...

Yesterday, was also a day to remember as it was his interview day. I didn't wanna pressure him, just support him & assured him that as long as he tries his best, then there's nothing to worry about. Many didn't expect he'd be one of the candidates. Not that it's a sure win for him, but at least he has been given the chance that only selected ones had. I'm so proud of him. No matter how it turns out to be, we'll always be together, supporting & loving each other. Muaksss...Yes, dear...I know I'm very lucky to have found you but that's because I have great taste. As usual, as always...haha..That's why I love you & believe in're my pride & joy! Love you always :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Cute Cute DaDa

My Small Ah Yee wrote on my wall several days ago, counting down to our BIG DAY. See what the whole convo was about? The funny thing is that, I didn't expect Dada to reply sweet of him! How can I NOT love this guy?? Muakkkssss....

Yes, dear...I'm ALL READY to be your MRS SIM!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

A sHoRt HeCtiC tRip to SeReMBaN

Today, thanks to my understanding superior, who let me off a few hours earlier to make a trip to Seremban to pick my gowns. Dada had to rush back for midnight shift, & in between, we really didn't have many hours to spare. Plus the heavy rain + traffic, it took us longer to get there & back up. Luckily, we still got back in 1 piece, safe & sound.

Since we know that we have limited time there & really couldn't afford being too picky. Too Bad! But then, there wasn't much choice too...coz as the sales assistants told us, as we move towards the year-end wedding seasons, all brides-to-be will be fighting to confirm their gowns for the BIG DAY as early as possible. I wasn't really considered too late as I still managed to get 2 of what I want in terms of colours & style. Here they are:
Love this 'princessy' feel.. Would most likely wear this for the GICC dinner as the background colour & theme there is dark & strong..need a soft colour contrast for it to stand out
This is a more elegant look..lavender blue-ish purple is something that I have never tried before..hope it will turn out OK...:)

P/s: Feel good that when they were taking my measurements, I have lost an inch here & there..but probably not good for the BOOBS section, but really happy I lost an inch in the waist..way to go! Gambateh...let's hope I lose some fats in my FLABBY ARMS section...which has always been my main concern..**fingers crossed**

Friday, November 13, 2009

OuR WeDDiG aNNouNCeMeNt!!

Gave my Small Ah Yee a task when we were back in KK last month. Told her to have a look at the church news bulletin board on the first Sunday of November. Why?? Coz Juliet (the church clerk) told us that they will post our wedding announcement on the board for 3 weeks till our wedding day. So, a rough calculation brings us to 1st week of November.

Was so excited on the 1st Sunday last week. Reminded my Small Ah Yee to make sure she takes a pic of it & email it to me...hahaha...& of coz, she did her job well. She sent me the pic first thing Monday morning...what a great way to start the *grinning happily from ear to ear*

The Making of Mr & Mrs Sim

Sunday, November 8, 2009

WeDDinG pRepaRatioN PaRt III

OK, as the days just whiz pass like a tornado, I have to really buck up on the preparation part. ESPECIALLY...on the beauty skincare part. I have to ensure that no PIMPLES will pop out on the big day. Trying to ensure really a big problem; as I have absolutely NO IDEA what I should do! Which product is the best? Am I drinking enough water? Is my diet right? Well, I'm trying hard to be a good girl.

Please, Santa...I have been quite a good girl this can I have my present earlier than usual this year? Christmas is kinda too late as my wedding is nearly a month before X'mas...Hahaha...meanwhile, I have been listening to whoever & whatever that's supposed to be giving me tips on good products to make me a pretty bride...1 trip to Sasa & I got everything that I need. Have been using it for a week far so good...hope it stays well...*fingers crossed*

Saturday, October 24, 2009

HaPPy BomBinG

As the title is self-explanatory, here's me referring to the guest list, checking & re-checking to ensure I didn't miss out's a tough job I tell you!

Preparing the bomb
Our GOLD BOMB, with Jean Shat's (a classmate of mine) RED BOMB

The Genting Bomb

Saturday, October 10, 2009

1010 PRoPoSaL aNNiVeRSaRy

Just when I thought he didn't prepare anything at all for this memorable day, he surprised me with this:

1: As I walked out of the bathroom after a shower...he had the laptop displaying the below slides which I can only click 'next' after I finish a task. too much Amazing Race I suppose.

2: So, with each other the clues given, I find a gift hidden at each the places/things that I was supposed to dig out.

What a Dada playing games with me...hahaha...Love you, dear...muakkkssss!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

WeDDinG iMaGiNatioN

I came across this video while FB-ing & quickly wanna share it here. It's so nice & of all...& what touched me the most is's EXACTLY what keeps playing in my mind 24/7 these days. I keep imagining...that, on our BIG DAY...:

1. What will happen? (any sweet, funny, idiotic, laughable moments?)

2. Who will turn up? (which of my lifetime besties will be there to see me through the whole process?)

3. How will I look? (no pimples, no eyebags..please!!)

4. What about my make up? & my hair?

5. Which dress will I end up getting, which pair of shoes will I choose as my BRIDAL SHOES on that day? (Yes, I have roughly 5 pairs to choose from & I really haven't decided which one I like MORE).

I can imagine all the laughters, excitement, tears of happiness, everyone in happy mood & good spirits..RELATIVES, who have not met for ages...will 家好月圓..FRIENDS, be it from TTSS or Curtin..will be reunited..after graduating for "N" years now..

121, Taman Antarabangsa is gonna be loud & chaotic...ALL for a good cause. *sniff*sniff* Pass me the tissue please...I cried watching this video & thinking about my big day at the same time. All this...while having a RED WINE mask on...RED WINE + TEARS..good combination, no?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MasK AttacK!!

Was away at the Historical Town Melaka last weekend for work. This is the 2nd time we're there for our GWC Fair. However, the only thing I remember being there last year was work, work & work. Didn't get the chance to shop around even during breaktime. Hence, this time, I promised myself that I will NOT be a 'dull girl' (from the saying "All work & no play makes Jack a dull boy"). Hahaha....

Well, I don't know what has gotten into me....but I just LOOOOVE buying facial masks to pamper myself. I like doing facial masks while watching an episode of the latest TVB series. So...wanna see my facial mask collection??? Ta da....INI DIA:

More than 50 pieces...I lost count halfway thru...yeah, I know..I'm crazy...

Let's see...I've got: Hydrating, Skin Reviving, Red Wine, Whitening, Anti-Wrinkle, Fiber, Intensive Care, Collagen, Crystal, Nourishing, Softening, Anti-Aging...etc..etc...just name it & I've got it! Yeah, just like what my colleague said & I have to admit that I'm doing all this to prevent AGEING...hahaha...especially now that the BIG DAY is round the corner...I just HAVE TO look my absolute best! Oh yeah, I signed up my 1st facial sessions...with ADONIS, who was also doing a roadshow at the same shopping complex as harvest, eh...?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

OuR WeDDinG aLBuM...

Yes, the albums were ready at just about the right time. Got a call from the bridal house telling us the albums are ready & we can pick them up anytime. Hurray!! Further more, mum is in town these few days. PERFECTO! So, on the morning of the 18th, we woke up early to pick mum up at LCC Terminal & headed to Seremban to get our wedding albums right away.

But before that, we went to Vietnam House again the night before & took this pic, which I think turned out really, just feel like sharing it:

~~ Mr & Mrs Sim~~We LOOK GOOD together, don't we?

Small Album + DVD with a video of our making, & the whole albums' pic collection

The SUPER GIANT album with additional 5 pages (it's super heavy too!)

The small frame (for tables, not walls..)

This is a slightly bigger frame, for the bride's parents

Oh yeah...100 pcs of 'Jie Mei Zhao' which I really don't feel like giving out to others...I wanna keep them ALL to myself!

What makes me happy, was that my dearest mummy was one of the first to see all this! I can see that, mama is very happy to see her little girl grow up & is preparing for her BIG DAY. She said our pics are all so beautiful...I'm sure she's proud of her little girl...ME! Mum...I'm proud of you're the dearest person in my heart...:)

I think mum got even happier when the albums were shown to my aunts & uncle. Everyone kept saying the albums are A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y GORGEOUS!! & they could see some images of my mum in those photos...which made mum even prouder & happier...& of coz, which means..ME TOO!! :)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, we left behind the 'long' photoframe there. We wanted to have it along..but after adjusting & re-adjusting but still couldn't fit it into the car with the 3 of us. So, no choice, we have to leave it there till our next visit for the gown fittings of the actual day. :( How LONG is the frame? Well, I can't remember the sizes but I can tell you it's ala Ho Jit Nam's style (or Terence & Constance ~ YES, Moses Chan & Gigi Lai) in Gem of Life...Yup...that COOL photoframe that they had in the living room. It's something like that...but ours is a combination of several pics, whereas theirs is a huge frame of 1 pic that they put in the living room. I remember there's a scene of Moses looking at it when their relationship was shaky...absolutely beautiful & touching...But we've yet to have a living room...:( That's why there's no hurry to pick that up yet...but soon...very soon...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

FeDeReR's gReatest sHot eVeR

Oh, this is the best that have seen so far!! And of coz, I'm sure he'll have more to come..He's just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I'll never forget this shot that he did against Novak Djokovic in the US Open Semi-Finals, second last point won before ultimately winning the match & advancing into the finals.

Dear RF, always have faith in you...Don't worry about the loss...Del Potro was (& IS) an idiot anyways...He'll never be a true champion as YOU ARE...Good luck & go for more Grand Slams title...really wish to watch you in action LIVE in the stadium one day....Give me some time to save $$...don't retire yet...ok? Wait for me!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

WeDDinG pRepaRatioN PaRt II

So, as we all know..the BIG DAY is getting nearer & nearer....& what is the progress so far?? Let's see:

Gift from my 'parents-in-law' - a necklace for me & a ring for Dada

Our Taiping Dinner Invitation Card is ready!

The inside of it...yeah, a typical Chinese Wedding Card..nothing special

Yessss!! New Bedsheet & Comforter Set for the newly weds...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

FeDeReR FiNaLs aGaiN

In a matter of few hours, the whole world will be watching the US Open Tennis Men's Singles Final between Roger Federer & Juan Martin Del Potro. As usual, of coz, being the RF loyal supporter..even in Malaysian time is early in the morning 4am, I'll still be watching...

Fed Ex...GOOD LUCK!!

Good Luck, Fed Ex..will always support u!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What KiNd of a WiFe aM I??

Being bored, did a quiz in Facebook. The question was, "What type of wife are you or will you be?" & after answering some questions HONESTLY...the answer was: HUMBLE/ SUPPORTIVE.....

Haha...there goes the print screen of the results on my Facebook wall...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09.09.09 SuRpRiSe!

The day is just PERFECT!!! Coz on this very special day, the magazine with our wedding photos that I talked about previously is OUT!!

I wasn't aware about it. But guess who was the first to tell me?? My BOSS! Hahaha...went to attend a meeting & he came with the magazine to show me. He even teased about wanting to charge us for the free 'advertisement' that it's doing for us. Hahaha...Wonder who else has seen it..?? But then at the moment, no one has approached us nor talked to us about seeing our pictures in the magazine yet other than my boss.

Was so excited..smsed Dada right away to tell him (was abit paiseh to talk on the phone, in case other people hears me..). After the meeting, went to get myself a few copies just to 'siok sendiri'. Hehe...Didn't show anyone, wanna keep a low profile & decided not to mention anything unless other people talk about it first. Just in case...some people will be jealous of the spotlight that we are getting & envy us for being such a PERFECT COUPLE~~ :-p

BERITA GENTING - Sept-Oct 2009 Issue Front Cover

Ta Da~~This is what you get on page 16-17

Monday, September 7, 2009

HaPPy BiRtHday DaDa...

Today is my dearest Dada's birthday. Being up in this miserable hill doesn't give us much options. Hence, we had dinner at Sushi King, then he went off to work, promising to be back before the clock strikes 12midnight.

He wants me to be the 1st person to wish him Happy Birthday, to hug & kiss & have a quiet moment together. I had been scratching my head this few days trying to think of what would be a good 'surprise' for him. I counted, it's the 5th birthday we're celebrating as a couple. Yeah, & I'm a "teeny-weeny" bit ashamed to say that I have not bought him a cake at all these 5 years! Why? Coz of the simple reason that there's always other people celebrating his birthday for him in a group with a cake. Since we're both not huge fans of cakes & sweet stuff, I just skip that since he had already had his chance to blow out his candles. Hahaha... (No! I'm NOT making excuses here, it's the truth!)

So, I decided to give him 5 cakes this year to compensate. 5 cakes?? 5 HUGE cakes? Of coz not, silly! They are tiny little cutie cupcakes that aren't too heavy & we get to taste several flavours at the same time. Isn't that a great idea? Hehe...

Got the cakes, lighter & KFC for a bit of a midnight snack after I made sure he's safely on his way to work. I also put in the effort to dress up to ensure that I look sweet enough for him to rush into my open arms the moment he opens the door & sees me! & that's how we celebrated his birthday during his 1hr break back in the room.

P/s: Sorry about the lighter Da..Daddy told me not to play with fire when I was a kid, that's why I cant handle a lighter & you had to light the candles yourself...keke...*paiseh*paiseh*

5 cupcakes - symbolising his 5th birthday as my MAN
Birthday Boy (man) making his wish
Birthday Boy (man) blowing out his candles
Birthday Boy (man) & his lovely wife :-p

Oh, did I tell you I didn't sing the birthday song? This cutie here did it instead~~ Cheers..Dear, may I be blessed & lucky enough to celebrate many many more of your birthdays with you forever, muakkkss..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

pRoDuCtiVe WeeK

Hmm...I should really give myself a pat on the shoulder for a job well done...haha...not only me, I'll have to give credits to Dada as well. As he was involved, and as usual, plays his very important pay the $$$..hehe..

Now, let me tell you what we've done that I'm so proud of:

1) Confirmed Photographer for KK side - Benny Liew
2) Confirmed Videographer for KK side - Studio Galaxy
3) Confirmed Make-up & Hairdo Artist for KK side - Gwen Wong

Right, maybe some would say, "Oh puuuhleezeeee, all these should have been done LONG ago!" Well, let me tell you, I have been sacrificing my beauty sleep spending most of my time after work doing surveys & searching the internet to make comparisons. Therefore, I need to ensure that this team here is the absolute best of the best to attend to us & help us be our BEST...on OUR BIG DAY!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Go aHeaD..LittLe KiD

Can't believe you are still so childish. Seems like, you've not grown (mentally) a single bit at all since the days we played MONOPOLY as kids. You always wanna fight with me to buy Mayfair & Parklane, to be the first to build houses & hotels there & to tease each other who will be the first to get a CHANCE to GO TO JAIL...haha...those were the days.

Now, as we've grown into 'adults' (not really sure for your case?), seems like you're still the same. The little boy, who loses his temper & whose face turns sour when mama didn't buy the video game for you as promised. You sulk & sulk like a childish kid whenever you're not given the things you wanted. Even now, as your little cousin, (Oui, c'est moi) prepares for the BIG DAY, you choose to show your childish self to me again. I really couldn't believe my eyes at first, realising what you did to me. How could you? Why would you wanna make this into such a big deal? I thought we have made peace after those sms exchanges? How come you won't let it pass & choose to do this, knowing it will hurt me? Is this your way of 'revenging'? Should I 'act like a kid' along with you & tell your mama about this? If this action is from a little kid, I won't mind, but look at're in your 30s for God's sake! SHAME ON YOU!! Siu mao mao~~buat malu for bullying your cousin sister even at this age!! really shocked me for doing this. Well, I'll try my best to ignore & won't let this affect me preparing for my BIG DAY. Yeah,'re NOT WORTH it..:-p

Saturday, August 29, 2009

MMS - MaLaySia MeGa SaLeS PaRt II

Continuing on my shopping spree from last off are the goodies I bought this time round:

Bill #1: Belts, belts, belts...I have recently came to love belts!! So girlie & transforms your look instantly!! So good..for only RM 100++
Bill #2: Cheongsam for our BIG DAY - planning to wear this for the Taiping tea ceremony for the SIM family. A perfect fit bought from the rack..well, could better if the butt isn't that tight..NEED TO REALLY KEEP FIT for this!! Dada also got a Grayish Silver Traditional Chinese Shirt to match me for the occasion = RM 314++

Bill #3: Beauty regime that cannot be neglected! Face Massager, 5 boxes of RED WINE masks & eyeliner + I'm continuing on the COLLAGENMAX healthy drinks = RM250++ all from SaSa (I got a FREE umbrella, too!)

Bill #4: Brown MAJOLICA MARJOCA Eyeliner, L'OREAL ELSEVE Night Serum, L'OREAL ELSEVE Nutri-Gloss Conditioning Spray & Johnson's Clean & Clear Toner that I have been using since Uni days = RM110++ (all thanks to recommendations from CLEO-Sept '09 issue)

Bill #5: Gold Hoop Earrings ..nice nice..RM 17.90 from VOIR amount plus some additional bits & pieces here & there...spent around RM800 (not inclusive of those basic necessities such as toll, petrol & meals). Sigh~~difficult to earn, easily spent...that's what we call $$..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

FuNNy CraZy DuRiaN SeLLeR

We went to Jusco @ Maluri after dinner with my 'noisy' aunts & Uncle John; to buy some groceries few weeks back. Being the HOT DURIAN SEASON then, I just couldn't stop myself from being enchanted by the HEAVENLY smell as I walk through the fruit section. So, I stopped by & picked from the BEST BUY boxes. The seller was friendly (a bit too friendly). He started bullshitting alot, saying it's surely delicious, smells good, definitely thick & filling..etc & NOW at a discounted price..what are we waiting for?

So, Dada joined me & we decided to get the durian seller to pack 3 boxes, with some that we decided to share with friends. Then, halfway through packing, the durian seller asked us: "Excuse me, may I know, are you 輝(referring to Dada), & you're 儀(referring to me), right?" For a moment, we were confused, is he some ex-staff that we know from Genting? How does he know us? Then it struck me, "Oh, you know coz you saw our pendants, right?" He laughed & said yes..(I wear a pendant bearing HIS name & he wears a pendant bearing MY name, to let people know we 'belong to each other'. We have been wearing this since or first month of dating). funny, he thought he's so humorous..I just ignored him & walked away continuing my grocery shopping while Dada waited for the durian. Dada later told me the 'not-so-funny' durian seller apologised..?? So 38 of him..:-p

Sunday, August 23, 2009

EmotioNaL Me

Don't know what is wrong with me these days. People say, when you're planning a wedding, you might get the pre-wedding jitters? Everything will just get into your nerves. The smallest, tiniest thing will piss you off as easily as snapping your fingers. Your hormones will be imbalanced. You'll get irritated easily. You'll have endless quarrels with just practically EVERYONE involved. Why ah??

How did this happen to me? I realised for the past month or so, I feel that nothing is right. Feel so pressured..that I might just BURST anytime soon. Everything is not right, whatever that people say doesn't sound right. I feel like strangling anyone who says things that are nonsense, are of no help at all, or that is just not RIGHT for my ears. Piss off, leave me alone. It's my own wedding..not yours save all your comments for your OWN one..Thanks...

Sigh~~sorry, I don't mean to be rude. But then, I just don't know how to help myself. Or WHO can help me..I have thought of going for a relaxing spa & body massage..will this really help me relax & throw away all my worries? I seriously thought of splurging the cash for it..a RM 300++ package to pamper myself. How does that sound?

Might really check it out one day~~

Thursday, August 20, 2009

tHe BomB is out!!

Take a look at our freshly out from the oven BOMB..for both sides, KK & Genting:

Maroon Red envelope
Bookmark-type Insertion for Genting Dinner - 8th Dec

Gold Envelope

Insertion for KK dinner - 28th Nov
Don't know why the colour is different here...shouldn't be like that..Something's wrong with blogspot, probably...Dada said that it maybe caused by the file shrinking from its original size to fit in. That's why the colour is affected. Hmmm...anyway...doesn't long as the colour is right on the actual cards.

Beware: Will be bombing our way to you soon....:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

NataLie TonG = my LookaLike

In recent years, there's a young TVB actress called Natalie Tong, whom probably 90% of my friends swear looks like me. Well, I can't get a pic of mine & hers with the same pose, or look or hairstyle that we could really compare...but, of course, I don't really see the resemblance, till..recently. I realised I look around 80% like her in one of my wedding pics. Hahaha...people say I look like her especially when it's a sideway glance. I sorta agree...only sometimes...haha

Recently, many people that I meet for the 1st time, our conversation will most likely include:

Friend: Hey, do u watch HK TVB movies?
Me: I know what you're trying to say...You wanna say I look like Natalie Tong, the one who recently appeared in 老婆大人II & also ID精英, right?
Friend: do you know? Many people said this to you?
Me: Yeah...I'm sick of people saying this already! Hahahaha....

I asked Mama about this before, whether she agrees to it. She used to say, "Nolah, not at all". Then after seeing that particular wedding pic, she now thinks so too! Not only her, Daddy & Baobei, too!! Hahaha...even those closest to you also say so, then I think it could be true...
Natalie Tong

Saturday, August 1, 2009


During our off days, we were also due to get back to the bridal house to have a look at the progress of our album. The designs were great, the great pics are still great..or I should say even better with a bit of this & that add-ons & special effects done to it. However, the b*tch in me decided to be abit hard on them. Wanted this & that changed..especially some wordings, which I think doesn't make sense; has totally no meaning & grammatically WRONG. So, how could I tolerate having that in my album? NO I got them to change & change & change to my satisfaction.

Later on in the evening, we paid a visit to dada's bestie, who was kind enough to let us be guests to their (a little too big for 2) house when we were there for the photoshoot. Now, they have an addition to the family! Their baby boy came into their lives on 9th June 2009 & we are so happy for them! Congrats, Mr & Mrs Ang~~from Mr & Mrs Sim ;)

Me & Baby 澤
~~awww..he's so camera-shy~~

He is a cute little one, isn't he??!! Sometimes...I really think life is so meaningful & the most beautiful things in life are actually RIGHT THERE...just that some of us are just too occupied with other 'not so important' things that they failed to notice. They fail to slow down & take time to appreciate the great things in life.

I have been reading alot & have many friends around me who are 1st time mummies...& it always bring tears to my eyes reading & listening to them on the development of the little ones. Sometimes, when I watch TV & see milk or diapers ads with babies especially, I get all misty-eyed. I don't know why...Why am I being so emotional? I'm such a drama queen, eh? But honestly speaking, if you ask me if I'm ready to be a mum, I'll say NO! When? Hmm..I adopt this answer from my cousin who answers this whenever people ask him when will he get married: IN THE DISTANT FUTURE *full stop*