Sunday, May 4, 2008

a JouRNeY caLLeD LiFe

Weeks back, I have been absorbed with a TVB series that really touched my heart. The story plot was simple that you could really relate it to real life & the people around you. It's definitely one of the BEST TVB series that I have watched all my life. It had a mixture of ups & downs in life, greed, sex, family values, the cruel working world, social life...everything.

Towards the last few episodes, I cried like was soooo touching. How 2 people love other so much, but had to go through so much hardships to be together; how one tried so hard to turn over a new leaf, but is affected by previous mistakes done; how the guy tried so hard to be the son, best husband, best brother..but still had to go through disappointments after disappointments in life.

The theme of this series..relating marathon as our journey in really cool. Once you start this marathon race, you cannot let others influence & affect you (just as in life). There was a part, after Steven Ma lost his child & the many, many unhappy things that came bombarding him..he wanted to give up. Linda Chung as his wife, continued to support him.. and said, "No matter what, I'll walk beside you till the end of the road, I know you won't disappoint me, see you at the end of the race. I know you will catch up"'s really touching! She continued on the race when he stopped & refused to go on..he sat by the side of the road..and suddenly a little girl came walking to an angel sent down from heaven..the child he lost..coming to him to tell him not to give up..and said to him " Why did you stop? Are you tired? Drink some water, rest a while & continue on the race.." Gosh...blogging this now made tears flow down my cheeks..It's like telling him, no matter how tough it is, how frustrated you are in life, yes, you can stop & cry & mourn & everything...but then, after that, wipe all the tears, stand up & continue walking...

Life goes on no matter how tough it may be..once the bad, unhappy things are gone, the good times will come again. Meeting all these tough situations is just part of life to help us grow & be tougher. The most important thing is we should learn something out of it, to not give up and carry on in life. For those lucky ones who have loved ones by their side supporting them, should be thankful & recover faster, toughen up themselves and not make those beside them worry.

Gosh..this is sooooo good! It's a must watch for all! But then, whether you get the meaning of the story or up to you..

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