Saturday, June 27, 2009

LoVeLy NeW sHoes

To tell you the truth, I have not been out shopping at the ONLY place to shop up here in Genting - First World Plaza for...more than a month!! Yes, it's true!

Not surprising, as both Dada & I worked morning shifts yesterday, we went out just to do stuff that lovers do. Eating out & shopping around. Well, not really shocked that there was nothing new. Still the same old shops, selling the same stuff..same faces working in day out.

However, being the SHOPAHOLIC me, I'll always find something to buy. My favourite shop there has always been PADINI CONCEPT STORE. Where else to find cool, funky & afforadable shoes but there? Best of all, they have new items coming in like every other week! So, as I have not been shopping for quite a while...imagine all the cool shoes that I have been missing out!! Hahaha...I have not bought new shoes since...err..early May for the photoshoot? Hmm...that's more than a month!! So, I need new shoes...right??

So, in less than 20 minutes, I attacked my targets, got the right sizes for me & paid for them..RM110.40 ONLY for 2 pairs of LOVELY shoes!! Absolutely worth it...yeah??

I Looove these new collections to my wardrobe :)

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