Tuesday, May 26, 2009

FuNNy ReMaRks + ReSuLts CoMiNG SooN

Was too busy recently to blog this. While we were at the bridal house choosing my gowns, there was this funny remark:

SA = Shop assistant at the bridal house
PG = Photographer
ME = Me (what else??)

Scene 1:
SA: Is your future hubby from overseas?
ME: Huh? No, but he's not from Seremban if that's what you mean. He's from Taiping.
SA: Oh, he is Malaysian? He looks like ABC (American Born Chinese). He's sooo fair..look at his skin colour...so nice. I was so shocked when I hear him speak Mandarin!
ME: Huh? Yameh?? (really surprised where that came from!) Hahaha...

Then, the next day, when we were starting our photoshoot, we heard another sweet & nice remark:

Scene 2:

PG: You 2 look very alike!
ME: Huh? (Is he trying to say we look like siblings??) What do you mean?
PG: Oh, I mean to say...you look good together. You have the 'fu qi xiang'. A perfectly matched couple!
BOTH ME & DADA: Oh..Thanks! (Smiling happily)

Hahaha...so nice to receive this kind of comments, eh. Anyway, we'll be looking at the results in a week's time. So excited! Let's hope it's all worth the hard work. *Fingers crossed*

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