Saturday, January 24, 2009

CoMpLeTe bRiDaL sHoesss CoLLeCTioN

As I was saying in the previous post, I just need a pair of silver sandals & I'll be ready for the pre-wedding photo shoot. There...I got it couple of days back when it was our 3years & 11 months anniversary. It's slightly higher than my usual heels. I was abit worried when buying; what if I fall? It would really be embarassing as the bride is always the centre of attention in weddings. This is the kind of attention that I wouldn't wanna attract. Haha...but then, Dada said, it's gonna be fine as he would be by my side all day to ensure that I always have someone to hold on to, even if I really did lose my balance. Awww...sweet there you go, got them on a 20% discount @ Padini Concept Store.

So, I'm almost done. Only need to get these few more items before I can head to Seremban:
  • Fake nails (I wanna get to pick the ones I REALLY like)
  • Stockings (just to have a few extras in case of emergencies)
  • Fake eyelashes (want a few more options for different shots & themes...)
  • Start to dig into my earring boxes for all those COOL accessories that I can contribute to the photo shoots...
  • Bring along a few more pairs of sandals of assorted colours & styles to go with more gowns

On the other hand, I have been doing alot of researches on the internet on wedding plans & ideas. Then, I came across the idea of wearing cheongsam during the tea ceremony. As Dada & I have decided, the church ceremony in KK, I'll be wearing the wedding gown, then the tea ceremony in Taiping, I should be wearing the chinese 'kua' as one should not wear a wedding gown twice. (Since the bride should be wearing the wedding gown to both ceremonies & that due to the distance between both locations, we could not do both in a day). But come to think of it, I don't think I'll look good in a chinese 'kua' as it looks uncomfortable, heavy with lots of beads & sequins, (not to mention HOT as it's always long-sleeved & comes with a long skirt till your ankles). Further more, with my petite figure, I think I'll end up looking like a little girl in her mum's clothes. Haha..

So, the next best thing is the cheongsam. I have always liked cheongsam designs, the high-necked mandarin collar (I don't even need to worry about what necklace to wear coz I'm not gonna bother wearing at all!) GREAT, one thing less to worry about.

After coming up with that idea, I have been searching around for styles that I like & hopefully will suit me. Sigh~~how I wish I can be taller, then ANYTHING will look good on me...:( Have filtered out the ones I think will only look good on tall people & ended up with these few. Will get a professional to give me some advice & hopefully offer more options. Meanwhile, this is what I've got.




Thinking of having it tailor-made as it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get a cheongsam that fits perfectly off the rack. It's a good idea! I'll then get to choose the design..the colour..& the material..COOL! Let's hope I find a good tailor for it...(**fingers crossed**)

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