Saturday, September 8, 2007

ProMoteD to GoD's TaBLe

Can't believe I'm under this kind of ppl. Can't decide what they want, when there is fault..blame it on the lowest ranked one..ME!! An incident 2day happens 2 make me wonder, y the hell am I still here? These ppl won't appreciate what I do, can't decide what they want, changes their mind as quickly as u can say F***, can't lead & help me progress. Why oh why am I still here???

Sometimes, I really can't find a reason y I should continue on here. If it's not coz of my dear DaDa, I would have left long long time ago. I long 4 the day that I can finally leave..or should I?? The problem is not me..y should I leave? Maybe I should start a mission to annoy THEM so much that they leave...(well, forget it, I'll choose to leave)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dada....must be alwiyz with tough.....