Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So SoRRy foR mY LonG AbSeNCe

Hi there...so sorry for my long absence. 2011 has been great thus far, busy, happy, loaded with work, loaded with carful of shopping goodies & spending happy, quality moments with Dada. Here's another pic, results of my ever-getting better shopping skills...or should say, ''never ever enough shopping''

Monday, January 17, 2011

sHop sHop sHop...But I NeVeR dRop..

Every girl loves shopping & couldn't get enough of it isn't it?? SO I'm no different in this field. I just looove the word RETAIL-THERAPHY after some hard work...hehehe...So here are my recent splurges. I just LOOOOVE my (shopping) life!
Carried away to SHOP SHOP & SHOP!!
Shopping Day 1
Shopping Day 2
A closer look @ my latest addition to my shoe collection..loooooove them so so much!!
For me to stay fresh, radiant & good looking
Have not tried a new scent for quite some time...so here's a new scent for a new DELICIOUS ME in 2011!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

sHoe FaNatiC

As everyone should know by now, I'm a shoe crazy fan!! I Loooove buying shoes & I have a SHOE WARDROBE of my own in our little home all to myself!! Here's my X'mas holidays shopping harvest...(minus 2 more pairs that I haven't got the chance to snap a pic...)

2 Flat ones...seldom buy these as I'm short..but they are cute & comfy!! Can't help it...
These were NEVER my type...till now..they make me look tall & best of all, they are so comfortable!!
2 from NOSE...more my usual type & cool enough for any occasions..
These are from VINCCI...the BLUE flats are a NO NO for short ppl like me..but then the colour is really nice & SHARP..don't mind being my actual ''size & height'' once in a while..