Friday, November 20, 2009

DaDa iS tHe BEST!

Would like to blog about a conversation held yesterday, between me & a VIP guest of Dada's whom we met.

VIP Guest: Wow, so Ray, this is your wife? She's very beautiful...(saja wanna emphasize here that he said this...haha)
Me: No, not his wife yet, just FUTURE wife, will only officially turn his wife next week.
VIP Guest: He's a great guy, u know..U'll have a happy & 'xing fu' future with him...Congrats to you both on your wedding...:)

Wow, so from then on, Dada keeps reminding me of this conversation..Haha...

Yesterday, was also a day to remember as it was his interview day. I didn't wanna pressure him, just support him & assured him that as long as he tries his best, then there's nothing to worry about. Many didn't expect he'd be one of the candidates. Not that it's a sure win for him, but at least he has been given the chance that only selected ones had. I'm so proud of him. No matter how it turns out to be, we'll always be together, supporting & loving each other. Muaksss...Yes, dear...I know I'm very lucky to have found you but that's because I have great taste. As usual, as always...haha..That's why I love you & believe in're my pride & joy! Love you always :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Cute Cute DaDa

My Small Ah Yee wrote on my wall several days ago, counting down to our BIG DAY. See what the whole convo was about? The funny thing is that, I didn't expect Dada to reply sweet of him! How can I NOT love this guy?? Muakkkssss....

Yes, dear...I'm ALL READY to be your MRS SIM!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

A sHoRt HeCtiC tRip to SeReMBaN

Today, thanks to my understanding superior, who let me off a few hours earlier to make a trip to Seremban to pick my gowns. Dada had to rush back for midnight shift, & in between, we really didn't have many hours to spare. Plus the heavy rain + traffic, it took us longer to get there & back up. Luckily, we still got back in 1 piece, safe & sound.

Since we know that we have limited time there & really couldn't afford being too picky. Too Bad! But then, there wasn't much choice too...coz as the sales assistants told us, as we move towards the year-end wedding seasons, all brides-to-be will be fighting to confirm their gowns for the BIG DAY as early as possible. I wasn't really considered too late as I still managed to get 2 of what I want in terms of colours & style. Here they are:
Love this 'princessy' feel.. Would most likely wear this for the GICC dinner as the background colour & theme there is dark & strong..need a soft colour contrast for it to stand out
This is a more elegant look..lavender blue-ish purple is something that I have never tried before..hope it will turn out OK...:)

P/s: Feel good that when they were taking my measurements, I have lost an inch here & there..but probably not good for the BOOBS section, but really happy I lost an inch in the waist..way to go! Gambateh...let's hope I lose some fats in my FLABBY ARMS section...which has always been my main concern..**fingers crossed**

Friday, November 13, 2009

OuR WeDDiG aNNouNCeMeNt!!

Gave my Small Ah Yee a task when we were back in KK last month. Told her to have a look at the church news bulletin board on the first Sunday of November. Why?? Coz Juliet (the church clerk) told us that they will post our wedding announcement on the board for 3 weeks till our wedding day. So, a rough calculation brings us to 1st week of November.

Was so excited on the 1st Sunday last week. Reminded my Small Ah Yee to make sure she takes a pic of it & email it to me...hahaha...& of coz, she did her job well. She sent me the pic first thing Monday morning...what a great way to start the *grinning happily from ear to ear*

The Making of Mr & Mrs Sim

Sunday, November 8, 2009

WeDDinG pRepaRatioN PaRt III

OK, as the days just whiz pass like a tornado, I have to really buck up on the preparation part. ESPECIALLY...on the beauty skincare part. I have to ensure that no PIMPLES will pop out on the big day. Trying to ensure really a big problem; as I have absolutely NO IDEA what I should do! Which product is the best? Am I drinking enough water? Is my diet right? Well, I'm trying hard to be a good girl.

Please, Santa...I have been quite a good girl this can I have my present earlier than usual this year? Christmas is kinda too late as my wedding is nearly a month before X'mas...Hahaha...meanwhile, I have been listening to whoever & whatever that's supposed to be giving me tips on good products to make me a pretty bride...1 trip to Sasa & I got everything that I need. Have been using it for a week far so good...hope it stays well...*fingers crossed*