Saturday, October 24, 2009

HaPPy BomBinG

As the title is self-explanatory, here's me referring to the guest list, checking & re-checking to ensure I didn't miss out's a tough job I tell you!

Preparing the bomb
Our GOLD BOMB, with Jean Shat's (a classmate of mine) RED BOMB

The Genting Bomb

Saturday, October 10, 2009

1010 PRoPoSaL aNNiVeRSaRy

Just when I thought he didn't prepare anything at all for this memorable day, he surprised me with this:

1: As I walked out of the bathroom after a shower...he had the laptop displaying the below slides which I can only click 'next' after I finish a task. too much Amazing Race I suppose.

2: So, with each other the clues given, I find a gift hidden at each the places/things that I was supposed to dig out.

What a Dada playing games with me...hahaha...Love you, dear...muakkkssss!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

WeDDinG iMaGiNatioN

I came across this video while FB-ing & quickly wanna share it here. It's so nice & of all...& what touched me the most is's EXACTLY what keeps playing in my mind 24/7 these days. I keep imagining...that, on our BIG DAY...:

1. What will happen? (any sweet, funny, idiotic, laughable moments?)

2. Who will turn up? (which of my lifetime besties will be there to see me through the whole process?)

3. How will I look? (no pimples, no eyebags..please!!)

4. What about my make up? & my hair?

5. Which dress will I end up getting, which pair of shoes will I choose as my BRIDAL SHOES on that day? (Yes, I have roughly 5 pairs to choose from & I really haven't decided which one I like MORE).

I can imagine all the laughters, excitement, tears of happiness, everyone in happy mood & good spirits..RELATIVES, who have not met for ages...will 家好月圓..FRIENDS, be it from TTSS or Curtin..will be reunited..after graduating for "N" years now..

121, Taman Antarabangsa is gonna be loud & chaotic...ALL for a good cause. *sniff*sniff* Pass me the tissue please...I cried watching this video & thinking about my big day at the same time. All this...while having a RED WINE mask on...RED WINE + TEARS..good combination, no?