~~AppReciate aLL asPects iN Life; cHeRisH FaMiLy, LoVeD oNes & fRieNDs as tHey MaKe u wHo u R 2Day~~
Friday, July 31, 2009
KiNRaRa MaS upDate
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Haha...Dada, girls JUST SHOP...they do...OK...no matter what & when...ESPECIALLY when there's SALES all around! (yeah, the word SALES is the most evil word in Dada's mind..)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tie tHe kNot??
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
OuR WeDDinG PicS Get PuBLisHeD
Naa...we're no celebrity couple, our pics aren't of any value. But just doing it for the sake of helping out a friend. Of coz, quite bangga also...will be passing a few selection of the pics to my friend in a couple of days. Let's see which one they will choose...can't wait for its publication!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
MuM's NeW pLayGRouND
I didn't really get to the details of my recent trip back in KK in previous posts. Well, besides the weather being hotter than usual, nothing much is new really...EXCEPT that Mama's got a new playground..or an EXTENSION to her playground, I should say.
I really feel absoluately wonderful when I see new things done to the house. It makes me feel that everyone is living a good & happy life, mum & dad don't have to worry about me financially (as I can very well make my own living) & therefore have the extra cash to improve their living. We're now living a good life as a family, though most of the time away from each other. However, we make the most of it when we're back home. I constantly remind myself to work hard, for not only a future with Dada, but a future that is inclusive of Daddy, Mummy & Baobei.
Over the years, I truly feel the happiest when I go back home. Plus, especially when there are new things in the house. As daddy dear said, it's his pride to present me with new 'surprises' each time we go back. Before this, there was a renovation to extend a little room for my mum's tuition classes, an improvement to the garage & this time an expansion to the kitchen area. So now, mama has a dry & wet kitchen inclusive of a laundry area, which is spacious & shaded from the hot sun. I LOOOVE staying at home so much. It's so warm, comfortable & cozy..sigh~~as the saying goes...THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME...(where Mama cooks good food ;p)
Friday, July 10, 2009
LiKe MaMa, LiKe DauGHteR
Then, one day..my dad, who rarely praises me (coz he just didn't want me to be any cockier than I already AM)..he said he loved one special feature about me. It's my lips..He said I had nice, sexy lips just like Mama...I felt so touched..to hear it from a cool dad like mine.
Later on in the years, there was once, mum digged out a really old pic of herself (a black & white pic with her in her teenage years, wearing a checkered dress). With the long, straight, jet black hair & the same smile..a family friend who saw that pic actually thought it was ME (the daughter who was then studying in Sydney). Hahaha...my mum just smiled & corrected her saying, "That's actually me, 30 years ago & not my daughter NOW" hahaha...
I see the likeness in the character of Louise Lee See Kei in Heart of Greed as "Dai Kai" & Moonlight Resonance's "Ho Ma". When I watch these series, I think of her & miss her even more. I wish I can see her everyday, to kiss & hug her..to joke & laugh with her. I feel really bad to work far away from home & not being able to spend time with mum & dad often. Mama...promise me you & dad will come over often when our little place called HOME is ready next year, OK? Love you always & I'm proud to have a mum like you. You're the BESTEST mum in the world! (No, this is not an outdated post for Mother's Day...I have learnt, to treat my mum the best & make everyday a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY for her..MAMA, I LOVE YOU!)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
KK tRip # 2 in 2009
1) Dig out all my baby / childhood pics to be featured in our slideshow (SHD)
So, the conclusion is: 30% AD & 70% SHD...total failure!!